4th DUI in Overland Park
Understanding the Consequences of a 4th DUI
A fourth, or subsequent, DUI is classified as a felony. A fourth DUI carries a minimum sentence of 90 days in jail and up to one year in jail. The fine is $2,500. You must do a minimum of 90 days in custody. In many cases, this includes 72 consecutive hours in jail followed by 2,160 hours of house arrest. In addition to the statutory fines, you could also have to pay court costs and fees, probation monitoring fees, drug and alcohol evaluation fees, urinalysis testing and for drunk driving classes.
If you are charged with a DUI, you will find the support and assistance you need to successfully navigate the criminal justice system with Stolte Law, LLC. Call (913) 270-0497 or complete our online form.
Challenging Prior DUI Convictions in Kansas
Attorney Adam D. Stolte argued at the Kansas Court of Appeals that certain prior DUI's should not be counted when classifying a DUI. For many people across Kansas, this means a severe reduction of fines, jail time, and house arrest fees and custody.
License Suspension Risks After a DUI Arrest
Your license will be automatically suspended unless you request an administrative hearing within 14 days of your arrest. Failure to meet the requirements will result in an automatic suspension.
Additionally, a 4th DUI arrest could result in the following driver's license penalties:
- If you refused the tests, driving privileges will be suspended for one year and at the end of the suspension, driving privileges will be restricted to driving with an ignition interlock device.
- If your BAC was between .08 and .15, you could lose your license for one year followed by a 3-year ignition interlock restriction.
- If you BAC was over .15, you could lose your license for one year with a 4-year ignition interlock restriction.
- The length of suspension may be shortened to 45 days for test failures and 90 days for test refusals.
If you, or someone you love has been arrested for DUI, contact Stolte Law, LLC at (913) 270-0497.