Leawood Criminal Defense
General Information
To visit the Leawood Municipal Court website, click HERE.
Leawood DUI Defense Attorney
If you are charged with a DUI in Leawood, must act quickly to protect your driver's license. A driver's license will be automatically suspended if you do not request an administrative hearing within 14 days of being pulled over.
The Leawood Municipal Court can prosecute arrests for First DUI or Second DUI. If the arrest is the third or more, the case will be sent to the Johnson County District Court.
To convict you of DUI, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you operated or attempted to operate a vehicle while intoxicated. A Leawood DUI Attorney will review the evidence in your case to determine whether all of the elements of a Leawood DUI are present. If not, you may have a legal or factual defense to your case.
Leawood Defense Attorney
The Leawood Municipal Court can also prosecute traffic and other misdemeanor offenses. Most commonly, the Court sees drug possession cases involving possession of marijuana or possession of paraphernalia.
Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have questions about your Leawood Court case, contact Attorney Adam D. Stolte at 913-270-0497 to discuss your options.